Monocular visual odometry is a technique of incrementally estimating camera poses (translation and rotation) and local 3D maps, with the help of a single camera and no additional sensor. It is in fact a major component of bigger challenges in robotics such as Simultaneous Localization and Mapping (SLAM). In this project, monocular visual odometry is performed using image features namely, SIFT, BRISK, SURF, FAST, and ORB. The KITTI benchmark dataset is used for analyzing the performance of the image features. Our results indicate that a SIFT-based model performs the best compared to other feature-based techniques.
Localization problems can be effectively solved with good GPS systems. But in indoor mapping and environments with poor connectivity, it's challenging for a GPS-based system to map and therefore visual odometry technique is used for such cases. Since then, visual odometry has become more relevant than ever. In recent times, visual odometry has been employed in a wide range of applications such as autonomous aerial and underwater vehicles, mobile robotics, self-driving/parking cars, augmented reality and wearable computing. Visual odometry can be divided into two categories: stereo vision and monocular vision. In this project, monocular vision-based visual odometry is discussed. When compared to stereo, the monocular approach is well suited for applications that demand lightweight and low-cost solutions.
There are two methods in visual odometry - feature-based methods and direct methods. Feature-based approaches use geometric analysis of sparse key-point correspondences to estimate the multi-view relationships between input video frames. Some of the advantages of using feature-based methods over direct methods are robustness in dynamic scenes and excellent accuracy. In this project, a feature-based visual odometry setup is implemented. We have also experimented with well-established feature detectors and descriptors that help in matching between the images.
Visual odometry is one of the areas in which deep learning has not yet surpassed the traditional computer vision techniques. Visual odometry using traditional computer vision is a low-cost, computationally efficient approach when compared to deep learning. Also, traditional computer vision techniques have the capability to extract rich visual data and feature descriptors from images.
We have worked on a Python implementation for our visual odometry system, using traditional CV methods, that extract a sparse set of key points from monocular images. For the front-end of our system, feature descriptors such as ORB, BRISK, SURF, FAST, and SIFT to extract key points from sequential image frames. Firstly, a select number of features are chosen for tracking and given as input to the feature detection module. Then by using the five-point motion estimation algorithm the relative pose among three consecutive frames is determined. Further, the model estimation is made robust by using RANSAC as it refines the matched features.
For the feature detection module, we have experimented with the following techniques - SIFT, SURF, BRISK, FAST, and ORB. A detailed comparison of the different VO models is provided as result with metrics that help understand the error in trajectory better. Here, the local features refer to a combination of detector and descriptor. A detector is an algorithm that is used to extract key points or interest points based on some criteria, whereas a descriptor can be defined as a vector of values that describes the image patch surrounding a key point. For example, SIFT serves the purpose of both detection and description, while FAST is considered to be a detector and not a descriptor. We have limited the choice of detector-descriptor modules to be of the same type since it is beyond the scope of this project.
We make use of a publicly available repository called ‘pySLAM v2,’ which provides the tools required for implementing a complete visual odometry pipeline in Python 3. For evaluating these models, an open-source evaluation tool named ‘evo’ was used. The VO output had to be modified according to the format that was required for the evaluation pipeline and the complete framework including pySLAM has been customized for the task at hand. Besides presenting a brief comparison of popular feature extractors, we hope to have provided a simplified implementation for monocular visual odometry that allows for testing various feature detectors with ease.
We have used the KITTI benchmark dataset (Visual Odometry / SLAM Evaluation 2012) for our experiments. Since the dataset consists of stereo images, we take the grayscale images from the left camera. The KITTI dataset is chosen since it depicts many complex street scenarios like vehicles in motion, bicyclists and moving pedestrians. For each image frame, the ground truth values consist of 12 parameters in this format - [r11, r12, r13, tx, r21, r22, r23, ty, r31, r32, r33, tz]. Basically, it’s a combination of rotation and translation matrix in a flattened-out format. For evaluating our model, we calculate rotational and translational errors by comparing the ground truth with the output from the visual odometry pipeline.
The Absolute Trajectory Error is a measure of the absolute distances between ground truth and estimated trajectory. This error metric helps to investigate the global consistency of the Visual Odometry trajectory. The ATE is defined as,
Where E is the error matrix, defined as,
In the above equations, n denotes the number of image frames in the sequence. Here, S is the rigid body transformation that maps P, the predicted trajectory, to the ground truth trajectory Q.
Figure 4 shows the ATE of SIFT-SIFT in KITTI sequence 05. The mean, median and RMSE are plotted for the corresponding ATE trajectory.
Relative Pose Error is one of the important metrics used for the evaluation of Visual Odometry results. The RPE assesses the trajectory’s local accuracy over a fixed time interval. As a result, the relative pose error correlates to the trajectory's drift. The RPE is defined as,
The RPE of SIFT-SIFT in KITTI sequence 05 is shown in Figure 5. The sudden spikes in the graph denoted the outliers. In other words, larger standard deviation results in more outliers. For the sake of conciseness of the report, we do not present the ATE and RPE statistics for all KITTI sequences in the report. These graphs can be found in the code repository submitted along with the report.
The ATE and RPE results for 10 KITTI sequences (00-09) are tabulated as shown in Tables 1 and 2. As mentioned earlier, we experiment with 5 detector-descriptor models namely, SIFT-SIFT, SURF-SURF, BRISK-BRISK, FAST-NONE, and ORB-ORB. To get an overview of the model’s performance, the average RMSE value is calculated in the last column of the table.
The results for ATE indicate that the SIFT model performs the best, followed by BRISK, SURF, ORB, and FAST. This is similar to the trend observed in RPE values, with the exception that FAST has a slightly better performance when compared to ORB. The results obtained re-affirm the scale-invariant nature of SIFT and its superior performance over other feature detection algorithms when dealing with affine transformations and viewpoint changes in the KITTI image sequences. Though recently proposed techniques such as FAST and ORB are faster and computationally less expensive, we notice that there is a huge decline in accuracy when compared to SIFT and SURF in this case.
In this project, monocular visual odometry was implemented using five image features namely, SIFT, BRISK, SURF, ORB, FAST. All model outputs are evaluated using ATE and RPE error metrics. From the experiment, it is found out that SIFT has the best performance followed by BRISK and SURF. The ORB and FAST-based visual odometry model performances were poor when compared to other algorithms.
In the future, a comparison based on runtime can be performed. This can help in choosing the right algorithm based on the computational power of the system. Additionally, visual odometry can be implemented using deep learning techniques. Furthermore, the experiment can be run using different datasets in order to generalize the performance of the algorithms.
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